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Spiritually Alert in These Last Days

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Please listen to the message entitled "Spiritually Alert in These last Days "

  • Spiritually Alert in These Last Days - Part 1

  • Spiritually Alert in These Last Days - Part 2

Spiritually Alert in These Last Days


Home service details on 24th May 2020


I. Summary.  We are living in momentous days, the outpouring of God's Spirit in these last days.


  • We are encouraged to lift up our heads in hope and expectation as God is pouring out His Spirit on all peoples, on all churches, and gathering in a great harvest of souls

  • It is not a time to be discouraged or depressed and focus on the difficult events of the last days.


II. Matthew 24:42 tells us it is a time to watch, to be spiritually alert.


  • This encouragement to watch is repeated in Matthew 24:43, 25:13.

  • The Greek word is gregoreo meaning to watch or to be spiritually alert. ( The name Gregory comes from this word meaning one who is awake and alert)

  • The word is used in 1 Peter 5:8"be sober, be vigilant/ awake/ alert because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion."

  • Jesus teaching us about these last days goes on to teach us how to be spiritually alert in 4 areas through4 parables.


III. Alert in giving God's Word to our households. Matthew 25: 45-46.


  • In this parable, the house manager is responsible for dispensing physical food, and also the spiritual food of God's Word to the household members

  • How is God's Word administered in your household, in my household?

  • Do we need to return to the daily discipline of reading and meditation on God's Word? Or have we become lazy in reading and dispensing God's Word?

  • Are you dispensing God's Word to your children?


IV. Alert in our life with the Holy Spirit. Matthew 25:1-13. The Parable of the 10 Virgins


  • Of the 10 virgins waiting for the bridegroom, only 5 were wise. They were spiritually alert (Vs 13) and they maintained a personal relationship with Jesus (Vs 12).

  • Also these ladies took are to maintain an abundance of oil for their lamps. As oil is a symbol of the Spirit, there is the thought of these ladies guarding their life with the Holy Spirit and not simply existing on the bare necessities of the Spirit.

  • How are you and I walking with the Holy Spirit today? Is HE more of a stranger to you where you live on past experiences? When did He last speak to you?

  • It is time to be spiritually alert and maintain an abundance of the Spirit.


V. Alert to our abilities and spiritual responsibilities. Matthew 25:14-29. The parable of the Talents


  • Vs 15. Each servant was given talents " according to his own ability".

  • We all have some abilities. The talents seem to be the opportunities given by God to develop and use those abilities.

  • Most of us would regard ourselves as people of 1 or 2 talents. We all face the temptation of being lazy as the third servant, and not seeing our gift as being significant. ( Vs 26)

  • Vs 29 tells us that as we use the little we have, God will give us more.

  • What are you, and what am I doing with my abilities and my opportunities?


VI. Alert to the cry of the needy. Matthew 25: 31-46. The Parable of the Sheep and Goats.


  • We note that the nations are brought before Jesus on His throne of Judgment. But we are also aware that judgment is an individual matter.

  • We are all to be judged according to our response to the cry of the needy: the hungry thirsty, those with no clothes, those in prison, those with no friends...

  • Jesus explains that these are his brothers ( Vs 40) This could me his Jewish brethren, His spiritual brothers Mark 3:35. Or possibly even those who will become brothers and sisters.

  • We are all called to minister to the needy.

  • Proverbs 19:17: He who has pity on the poor lends to the Lord and He will pay back what he has given.


VII. Challenge


  • Jesus is asking us to be spiritually prepared and balanced in these last days

  • Are we spiritually alert in our reading of and dispensing of God's Word to our families? Are we spiritually alert to the Holy Spirit and His speaking and actions in our life?

  • Are we spiritually alert to our gifts and abilities and the opportunities God gives us to use them? Are we spiritually alert to the cry of the needy, both cries over physical needs, and spiritual needs?


God bless


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