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Overcoming Giants of Fear and Unbelief


Home service details on 5th April 2020


1. Introduction: Listen to the video clip: Raise a Hallelujah ( Please click on the link and follow instructions)

2. Scripture Reading: Read Matthew 14:22-33.

3.Walking by the Laws of Heaven


a. Read again Matthew 14:28-29

  • Observe that Peter defied the law of Gravity: He didn't sink!

  • He also defied the law of buoyancy ( Archimedes principle) He didn't half sink according to the water he displaced!

  • He walked  on the water, an impossibility according to the laws of nature

  • The law of faith , the law of the Spirit has overpowered the laws of nature with God's heavenly laws See Romans 8:2 The law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has freed us from the law of sin, fear, doubt, corruption, sickness and death.


b. Peter's ability to live such an experience came as he submitted to the lordship of Jesus and he obeyed the personal words of Jesus to him "Come"14:29.

  • This word "Come" was a command in the singular and the present tense. It was only spoken to Peter. That word created a gift of faith in Peter's heart. Romans 10:17. He obeyed and he walked on the water!!! Had the other disciples tried to imitate Peter they would have sunk!!!

  • Illustration, Note how Jonathon Helser, the lead singer in "Raise a Hallelujah", was bowed before a giant of unbelief concerning Jackson's threatened death. But then Jesus gave him a song of faith!! Faith arose in his heart, the demon of doubt was destroyed, and the Spirit of Life was poured out upon Jackson.


3. From Great Faith to Little Faith in a Few Minutes!!

But it did not go all according to plan for Peter.

Describe the disciples' state before Jesus arrived.

a. Vs 26_________________________________

b. Vs 25_________________________________

c. Vs 24_________________________________

Fear, tiredness and opposing circumstances can quickly sap away our faith and our ability to walk supernaturally over the laws of death.

d. Who orchestrates these negative situations of our life so that they all hit us at once,in the evil day Ephesians 6: 13, 11, 12?__________________________

e. Our tendency is to blame situations and people. But Paul warns us against this in Ephesians 6:12 Who should we blame?__________________________

f. These spiritual forces seek to use these negative situations to ________________?Ephesians 4:27 . The word place is topos meaning a place, an opportunity a foothold ( in our lives). Once they find a place they begin to nestle there and build a fortress. 2 Cor 10:4-5

g. They also take advantage of past footholds where we have had accidents, trauma, natural weaknesses, and sinful habits. Some of these natural weaknesses and sinful habits may even be handed down our family line!

Take some minutes to ask God about any footholds, past or present that the enemy is using against you( privately in prayer)__________________________


4. So What to do?

a. Remember the spoken words of Jesus over your life.

b. Recognize the scheme of Satan to destroy your life and its potential for God.

c. Confess any footholds that Satan wants to use: past and present, family sins, natural and spiritual weaknesses, fearful traumas, sinful habits ...Ask for the covering of the blood of Jesus and turn from them.

d. Ask Him to expose any lies you have believed about yourself and God.( Remember that he is the father of lies)

e. Rebuke the devil and he will flee from you. James 4:7

f. Walk once again in freedom and faith and obedience. Remember that Peter walked on the water two times. The second time he walked hand in hand with Jesus to the boat.


God bless as we walk in victory this week!!


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