Heal our land

Heal our land
Home service details on 3rd May 2020
Recap: Last week we looked at the verse in 2 Chronicles 7:13-14.
There were 3 judgements upon the land
No rain, or drought
locusts devouring the crops
plague amongst the people
There were 3 conditions for God's people to fulfil
Humble themselves
pray and seek God's face/presence/Spirit
turn from their wicked ways
There were 3 responses from God
I will hear
I will forgive their sin
I will heal their land.
Today we focus on the last response: I will heal their land
Our Land is Sick
1. The immediate context is the 3 consequences and judgements: Drought, Locusts and Plague. Our land is sick though drought and Corona-virus. There is sickness and fear of sickness, the trauma of lost jobs and failed businesses. Let us pray for these.
2. Our land is sick from violence and trauma. NZ appears to be a peace loving nation but violence lies underneath its surface. Genesis 4:10. Violence and bloodshed impacts our land cries out to God.
a. The violence of 13,282 abortions a year (2018). Our most vulnerable people are subjected to violence and death- about 1000 plus deaths a month.
b. The violence of Maori land wars (1845-1872) where land was unjustly taken from Maori owners e.g. Parihaka
c. The violence of the Musket wars (1810-1830). Maori tribes who gained muskets through trade began to oppress, kill and enslave other Maori tribes. Illustration: Our story of Whangapoua. and the sense of sadness there.
d. The violence of gangs, and bullying in NZ.
Let us pray for all the violence and resulting trauma in NZ. Their blood cries out to God from the ground of NZ.
3. Our land is sick from generational trauma in families. Entire families live in cycles of sowing and reaping. Galatians 6:7 For whatever a man sows that he will also reap. as these cycles are perpetuated through the generations they become a curse upon the family.
a. Curses coming from involvement in the occult, witchcraft and freemasonry. eg fofo amongst the Samoan community.
b. The trauma of divorce through generations, poverty through generations, sickness through generations, accident proneness through generations, alcoholism through generations, divorce through generations. Testimony
We need to:
confess the incident or wound at the root. Ask for healing from Jesus
then confess wrong response to that wound: bitterness and un-forgiveness
reject any lies that have established themselves and associated behaviour
then resist the devil and his foothold in our lives. Ephesians 4: 27 "and do not give the devil a foothold"
Lord Jesus I confess the trauma in our land of NZ because of the violence in our society and families, the abortions, the warfare, bloodshed and injustice of the Maori land wars in the mid 1800s, the violence, death, bloodshed and slavery in the Musket wars in the early 1800s. Please forgive and heal our land from all this shed blood that cries out to you.
Lord Jesus please heal our land from all the generational trauma of occult, witchcraft and freemasonry; from alcoholism and drugs, from divorce, from generational sickness, from generational poverty. I confess any crisis and wounds at the root of this bondage. I confess any bitterness and un-forgiveness towards individuals who may be responsible in some way.
Forgive me for lies I have believed about myself, about others or about You. Now I resist you Satan and command you to leave my life. Your foothold in my life is broken and you must go. Thank you Jesus for the victory.
Lord Jesus please heal our land from the corona-virus and all its negative impact: jobs lost, lives filled with fear, loved ones dead, and businesses failed. Help us oh God, help me oh God and heal our land. Thank you that you have heard our prayer. Amen.
God bless as we continue to press in for His healing!!