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A Thousand Generations of God’s Blessing Upon You

Home service details on 7th June 2020



As part of our worship today we have listened to the song The Blessing by Kari Jobe and Cody Carnes ( her husband) This song is taken from the Scriptures Numbers 6:24-26, Exodus 20:6, Deuteronomy 7:9, and Psalm 103:17-18

  • This song was released on February 27th 2020, just as the worldwide pandemic of Covid 19 was gathering pace.

  • Since that time, God’s people around the world in the UK, Pittsburg USA, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Australia and others have taken it upon themselves to proclaim blessing on their nations and the church.

  • Kari Jobe said “ I have cried so many time as I’ve watched different people all over the world declare the blessing over their families, their churches, and their nations. That brings so much peace, especially in a season of disappointment, uncertainty and fear like we have all been walking through this year”

  • This song declares 3 main things

  1. The Lord bless you.

  2. His favour is upon you and your family for a thousand generations.A generation in the bible can be 40 years Numbers 32:13, or a 100 years Genesis 15:6. At the least, God’s favour is upon you and your family line for 40,000 years when you covenant ( wholly commit) to follow Jesus Christ.

  3. His presence goes behind you, beside you, around you, within you in the morning, in the evening, when coming, when going, when weeping when rejoicing!!!


This song is God’s message to his church during these days of pandemic.



II. The Meaning of Blessing

  • The Hebrew word to bless is Barak meaning to salute, congratulate, thank praise, to kneel down. ( Strongs)

  • The Greek word eulogeo means to speak well of, to praise,extol, bless abundantly invoke a benediction, give thanks (Strongs)

  • Richard Brunton has a great and simple definition. Blessing is acting in faith declaring God’s intention for a person.

  1. Read 1 Peter 2:9-10 We are all called to be royal priests of God. As priests we are mediators: we speak to God for people ( prayer), and we speak to people for God ( sharing our story and truth, and speaking blessing).

  2. Read Genesis 12:2-3. Genesis 22:18 All the people of the Earth are to be blessed through Abraham and His seed ( Christ). As part of Christ, this is our calling, to bring Gods blessing to the earth. ( Galatians 3:7)



III. Along with Abraham, we are called to be blessed. Genesis 12:2, Galatians 3:7-9

  • Abraham was blessed through his offspring, his land, and a great name.

  • Genesis 24:2 Abraham was blessed in every way. This is God's intention for our life- to bless us in every way.

  • Read Deuteronomy 7: 9-15 and mention some of the ways that God intends to bless us____________________________________________________________________

I now encourage us all to pray God’s blessing over every aspect of our lives.


  • Our spouse

  • Our children and grandchildren, each one by name

  • Our extended family members

  • Our bodies

  • Our mind

  • Our work

  • Our colleagues

  • Our finances.

  • Our church.

  • Our nation


(Next week we look at Our calling is to be God’s Instruments of Blessing Upon the Earth)

God bless as we continue to walk in love and unity.


Image by Tim Mossholder

A Thousand Generations of God’s Blessing Upon You

Listen to the online sermon.

Please listen to the worship video

Please listen to the message entitled

"A Thousand Generations of

God’s Blessing Upon You"

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